Why is the noise level at MWS low?
Montessori students have the freedom to select the materials that are appropriate for their Sensitive Period; therefore, they are deeply interested in the work they choose and they approach it in a quiet, focused way. The teachers model quiet behavior and respect the children’s concentration.
Having a peaceful environment is so important at MWS. Do your students ever have disagreements?
Yes. Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is recognizing and having the desire and determination to develop the skills to live peacefully−and we do. Grace and courtesy are taught along with academics; respect and peace are deeply important in our school.
How were the teachers at MWS selected?
The atmosphere at our school is one of respect, joy, peace, and order. The teachers who were hired embrace these qualities, are knowledgeable, and have Montessori experience: most of all, they want to be here.
Why does MWS have mixed-age classrooms?
Older children who have already mastered the skill are able to take on the role of leader by assisting those who are younger. Younger children absorb the older children’s knowledge, sometimes by simply observing them at work.
If parents so choose, why can students attend MWS beyond their preschool years for kindergarten and first grade?
We are regulated and approved by the Tennessee Department of Education for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Some parents are so pleased with their child’s progress that they want to continue in the program. Also, when a parent is not sure of the child’s academic or social readiness for “big school” kindergarten, the child could stay at MWS, participating in kindergarten work during the year, and the decision of the child’s grade placement could be made after having the advantage of a year of appropriate work.